Jake’s Graduation Party

22 Jun

It appears I am incapable of capturing anything with my camera lately that is not baby-related. My friend Jake graduated with his Masters from a little school called Yale recently (perhaps you’ve heard of it?) and 99% of the photos from his graduation party have babies in them. At least I managed to get this awesome shot of Isobel high-fiving Jake for his accomplishment. With his Masters in Environmental Management Jake will now go forth and save the world. I expect that degree comes with a Captain Planet costume and a woodland familiar.

I have lots of things to say about Jake and all of them are wonderful. Did you know he helped me do a soil analysis of my backyard? I’m going to be writing a post about that soon. Or that we’ve been on countless road trips together and most recently visited the first computer ever? I need to write a post about that, also. Jake’s a world traveler who’s lived in Japan, met famous people, argues with crazy protesters and is well versed in MST3K one-liners. In short? He’s awesome and guess what? He’s available. Llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllladies…

Glowing praise of Jake aside (did you know that he asked his Aunt to make a quilt for Isobel when he found out I was expecting? We repaid him with this), I’m going to warn all of you to hang on to your collective uterus as I show off some adorable photos of Isobel and by Bestie’s baby Kingston at Jake’s party.

Aw man, seeing Kingston is like getting punched in the ovary.

Just when you think it couldn’t get any better…

Isobel had a great time riffling through Kingston’s diaper bag, petting the visiting dog Duncan, and trying to leave with Angela’s purse.

Congratulations, Jake. You’ve worked your ass off for this. Now go save the world.

8 Responses to “Jake’s Graduation Party”

  1. AmandaStretch June 22, 2010 at 10:53 am #

    Cute babies and cute, nerdy boys in one post? Be still my beating heart and aching uterus!

  2. Bonnie June 22, 2010 at 3:05 pm #

    I imagine it’s hard to capture much else when you’ve got to keep your eye on a little toddler.

  3. purplequark June 24, 2010 at 6:11 pm #

    It’s true ladies! When you ask “where are all the nice guys?”, Jake is three of them rolled into one and then some.

  4. Marie June 28, 2010 at 8:24 pm #

    So, you’re telling me that your friends also have immaculately tidy houses? I’d be an outcast if I lived there. OK, back to the point!

    Congratulations to him! I’ve got friends who have studied the same and are working in interesting places. On honour of your eco-buddy, I hope that cake is wholemeal, organic, non-GMO and made with free-range eggs and natural food dyes, but since it (amazingly) seems to have a university crest on it, I’ll let you off this one time.

    • LittleBig July 1, 2010 at 8:31 am #

      No, no, no! It was just immaculately cleaned before a big party! And really, Marie, you need to see my house these days. It’s no where near ‘immaculate.’

      • Marie July 1, 2010 at 4:45 pm #

        As one half of the couple who have to spend a couple of hours cleaning and tidying before we have guests around, I’m going to have to see evidence of “these days” before I believe it;-)

        (You know I’m jus’ messin’ witchoo, right?)

      • LittleBig July 4, 2010 at 1:31 pm #

        Yes, I know. 🙂


  1. Single Parent Weekend « Little Big - October 6, 2010

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