Tag Archives: Lentils

Pasta and Semis

17 Feb

Our heat’s out so I’m typing this while under a mountain of blankets and a footie pajama-clad toddler. She’s playing with our old checks and talking about cupcakes and Santa for no particular reason other than she likes them. Our winter has been extremely mild and right now the fact that our heat’s been out is mostly an inconvenience. We are lucky for that. It calls attention to the fact that there are several major things wrong with our house that get worse and more annoying everything. Soon we hope to change this.

Today, however, we are taking advantage of the Presidents’ holiday to organize, which, if you know me, is like a holiday in itself. I love organizing almost as much as a I love making lists.  The challenge will be entertaining Isobel while we work.

Isobel got this semi truck from her grandparents for Christmas. Obviously she loves it because 1. she can ride on it and 2. she can honk incessantly. Oh, also she can haul her Carebears around without having to carry them in her arms like a sucker. Speaking of Carebears, can some child of the 80s please tell me the name of this orange one with the star on its belly? Everyone whose been around it (including myself) has referred to it as “Sunshine Bear” before realizing that Sunshine Bear is yellow with a sun (duh) on her tummy.

Isobel still hasn’t gotten the knack for steering so if she runs into something she liberally applies the horn till someone corrects her trajectory. When outside, however, she just constantly presses on the horn, so much so that my neighbor just assumed it honked constantly when it was powered on. Oops.

By the way, if you have leftover lentils from your soup (because your child has insisted on drinking only the liquid of the soup for the past several days) just cook up a batch of pasta and throw it on with some olive oil and cheese. And everything will be all right.